[PKM 0004] 22W49 Vault snapshot

Bramble Brain
4 min readDec 5, 2022

I’ve been thinking about the presentation of my vault and I have some ideas that I think will help to create a graph that is easier to understand especially when it comes to my knowledge growth. Currently, I dabbled in some color coding, but I’ve come up with a system that I think helps to illustrate the actual changes to my vault as well as the direction that my vault is going as opposed to simply having a big ball of notes. You could import all of Wikipedia and your graph would look impressive, but it would context and nuance to it that I think this system provides. Here are the new color coding:

  • Dark red nodes represent useful information that I want to have, but I have done little to expand on develop the information
  • Light brown nodes is information that I have imported from rotting trees of knowledge — knowledge from software I no longer use like TheBrain, Evernote, Joplin, Logseq, or Apple Notes
  • Light pink nodes are bookmarks. They reference outside information that I may import in the future, may be too dense to import, or are sources of dynamically changing information.
  • Black nodes represents the scaffolding of my vault. These are the daily journal notes where new notes are born from and where information is collected and pooled. This includes notes like content maps or table of contents for regular non-obsidian people. These notes help to organize and consolidate information. However, they don’t necessarily add anything new on their own. To use the actual brain as an analogy, my information notes are the gray matter that form bodies of knowledge. The black notes is akin to the white matter in the brain that helps to transmit and disseminate knowledge as needed and actually helps to organize the information into knowledge. Without these important highs to access my information I believe that I would have to limit my scope of knowledge and couldn’t allow my interests to wander about while staying organized.
This ganti-norma-saurous of a note is wild… I will atomize it somehow.

So this past week there have been some interesting develops, which should be apparent by the giganti-norma-saurous of a scaffolding node with a bunch of links. That is because I stumbled across AI generated art and I fell into a daze as I was exploring the myriad of possibilities with it. I truly believe that with the introduction of this technology to the consumers we’ve quickly approaching the end of the Information Age and we are entering into the Creation Age because anyone can turn their thoughts into a half-decent looking reality. This is the technology that will transform daydreamers into content creators. Previously the barriers to their creativity were too high, but with the ability for (basically) anyone to create content simply describing their thoughts.. that’s a game changer if I ever saw one. I was talking to my brother about this and he didn’t seem that impressed. My only thought was that I guess he isn’t as creative as I thought he was if he was dismissive of this technology. This bit is short because I want to make a post on it, but I have been so bedazzled by this technology that if my jaw could drop on to the floor it would. This is also the reason why my vault jumped in size by 47gb, because I have been saving the checkpoints or the trained models into my vault so that I can start to create something of a database for this information. I’ve actually seen some people selling prompt packs or some sh*t like that and it doesn’t really make any sense to me, but I guess people want guidance in a world of limitless possibilities as they are selling pretty decently all thinks considered.

I’ve also started to try to operationalize my PKM setup as well as the front acing part that I’m publishing because I have oh.. about 20 or so notes that I want to publish, but there’s inertia that is holding me back from publishing them and I don’t have a good way of getting myself out of that rut currently. The simplest way to put it is I can stir myself into action, but I’m not action-oriented regularly. This means that it takes conscious effort to actually produce content instead of it being I suppose a habit and something that comes naturally to me. I honestly think it was just how I was raised to not be an open book like the people we see on social media who share their entire life story and more because it feels natural to them. Sure, it creates an emotional connection… but at the same time it’s a one-sided mirror. I forgot what the term is called, but there’s something where the audience thinks that they have a personal relationship with the public figure, but the public figure is entirely unaware of them and so it’s a one-sided relationship. Why isn’t it in my vault…haha..

Originally published at https://www.bramblebrain.com on December 5, 2022.



Bramble Brain

Solving for too much breadth and not enough depth.